What is LeadSquared and what are its features - TransFunnel Consulting
LeadSquared, a marketing automation platform is also in the business of providing customer relationship management services. With the prime objective of providing one-of-a-kind support to its client base, LeadSquared enables an enhanced closure for businesses. This marketing automation tool helps businesses with lead capture, its management, sales management and analytics, all in one platform. LeadSquared was introduced in 2012 with the aim of becoming a marketing automation tool, but has ever since expanded its horizon to sales CRM . With new and innovative features building in LeadSquared, it is consistently becoming a smarter and highly efficient platform. The marketing automation tool ensures an ample range of benefits including overall reduction in lead leakage, more intelligent and efficient lead prioritisation and automating various sales and marketing processes. It also offers various sales-related benefits such as offering detailed sales and marketing analytics...